Lol, excellent stuff, reminds me of Joyce.

I was going to give AI E Lone Muskturd a pass when he bought the Twit. I created a new account, naively thinking my new one would not be banned like the old for vague offenses against leftist sentiment. Wrong I was! "Trans is mental illness" got me banned again in about 0.3 seconds. Pity. They must be applying the latest AI to detect wrongthink now.

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All of the above

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I am reading that stud Musk with my eyes wide shut.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to attain that much moolah by acting truly independently.

As for the other two, I would throw a softbook - geddit? - at them!

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Good writing

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i think you may find this thread worth investigating:


it is in the enemies gloating and bragging that something tangiable facts can be gained

the suggestion from this "person" is that ALL forms of organised religion have been intentionaly adapted over the millenia to serve "their" "god".

What we are currently witnessing for example in the catholic church would bear this out, having read this: https://www.fishpond.co.uk/Books/Soul-Revolution-Dr-Shmuel-Asher-Mrs-Jenna-Ruth-Edited-by/9781522903505

just pre the plandemic i was struck by how dark the monastic religions really are, either by dint of ignorance or more likely "powering the system"

when we start diseminating ancient text we need to put our minds into the vernacular of time.

For example "we were made in gods image", we might deduce from this that the creatures that made us were bipedal, upright etc,

Thus when a certain sector of humanity who claim sovreignty (unlawfully) over an area of the middle east claim they are "closer to god" then they merely state they were of higher "rank" than the day to day "grunts" that did the "work"..

When creating a hybrid to serve your purpose you dont necessarily want to manage them yourself, you need a foreman class......

What interests me is what the "work" was/is, more recent exmination seems to point toward humanities primary importance being to provide spirtual energy as sustenance over and above the mere physical aspects of digging/building pyramids etc.

Many of us have encountered "psychic vampires" in our lives, what if such are merely simple mimics of a far greater force at work?

Much that i have read points toward Jan 2020 being the moment great celestial forces came to pass that hold the promise of humanity evolving and breaking their chains of servitude, what we saw instead was the biggest side show on earth, yet in a fractured way the essence of the true nature of the time has shone through....

What we are seeing now with all the exposing of the lies and murder is an attempt to still harness the energy, transmute it if you like, "awakening" becomes "awokening" as they attempt to regulate and monitor the disclosure..

Hancock whats ap for example, why now? becuase in the shadow of atomic fear these particular facts can be fed in small pieces until the public have ingested (and indeed accepted) the fact that a public official (elected...) presided over the intentional murder (midazolam) of in excess of 40,000 eldery folk in the uk (a pattern repeated globally), intentional murder that resulted in justification of "lockdowns" etc.... many folk i meet in the uk are slowly accepting such fact yet still see no justification in demanding hancocks immediate execution/incarceration...

To my point, we are all being indoctrinated by ritual and performance into a satanic alt reality, the masses either so feckless or mundane allow this by dint of ignorance/ambivalence, those who see it for what it is fuel it by dint of their outrage/anger etc...

so when aloysius fozdyke gloats "your god is not listening" he says this with a degree of fact.

we must seek to take our actions, words and lives closer back toward the True Creator, connect with source if you will

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