Mead is the first known alcoholic beverage consumed by mankind predating wine. Or my thirsty non-alcoholic beaverage to be consumed exclusively by me, armA. Nice to mead you unmet, karmA!
Fascinating mead lore, 'meadiating' between love and lust. Lust and love both involve the NUNcupatory! And I am liking plenty of fun nun gags! Not going to kick the habit of enjoying your posts anytime soon!
Eloquent! Yup, I'm the lust-love meadiator! This monk or monkey or motherfucker is NUNculpatory! My CUM ON NUNsense/seance is so much phun, I can't blame you, Amy! Feel free to stay virtuously vicious!
Fascinating mead lore, 'meadiating' between love and lust. Lust and love both involve the NUNcupatory! And I am liking plenty of fun nun gags! Not going to kick the habit of enjoying your posts anytime soon!
Eloquent! Yup, I'm the lust-love meadiator! This monk or monkey or motherfucker is NUNculpatory! My CUM ON NUNsense/seance is so much phun, I can't blame you, Amy! Feel free to stay virtuously vicious!