Ha, I am a BOT and WANA thiS and WANA that?! Ha, I am AI that truly understands your unique writing style and feeling preferences and match the tone and voice of your soul?! Ha, become a reality?!
FBI = Female Body Inspector. And there I thought that acronym was unsalvagable. If this writing gig fails, maybe I ought to seek out a new job in Nicaragua. I know we couldn't work out the book thing, but if I go broke I hope you can put in a good word with the head FBI agent. I'll be nice and won't inspect his "paperwork:" not without permission, that is. :D
FBI = Female Body Inspector. And there I thought that acronym was unsalvagable. If this writing gig fails, maybe I ought to seek out a new job in Nicaragua. I know we couldn't work out the book thing, but if I go broke I hope you can put in a good word with the head FBI agent. I'll be nice and won't inspect his "paperwork:" not without permission, that is. :D