Ha, I am a BOT and WANA thiS and WANA that?! Ha, I am AI that truly understands your unique writing style and feeling preferences and match the tone and voice of your soul?! Ha, become a reality?!
Get the Botswana DELUXE edition
Yo (I), Robot, a software program that operates as an FBI (Female Body Inspector) agent for a user/loser simulating a winning human activity. Yo (I), Internet Bot, an adorable troll who performs automated, repetitive, pre-defined routine tasks, atypically replacing human user/loser behavior. Because I am fully programmed, I operate much faster than human users/losers. Supposed to run on auto pilot, I am someone that does not question the matrix and society as it is sharing the same characteristics as robots and AI's. Feelings are associated with emotions that occur within the body, while the machines can sense the world and agents around them, and by doing so they can respond to the circumstances. Make no mistake, modern robots already contain a variety of sensors to improve their data collection and autonomy, they can express sadness or happiness, but they do not feel it in the way that we know and do.
If some special snowflake disagrees with something I say, I am labeled a "troll" and automatically get called a "bot”, which I do give a flying duck about. And because I have a life of my own, enthralling intimate and insightful memoirs follow me through intense triumph and tragedy in about equal measure. It is either because I am too good, or I am doing something simple and dumb over and over again. In other words, something totally different, unique, rare, always a step ahead, always pioneering. LOL? Caught in a turbulent flight, I wish I could tread rather carefully, not to blow anything. Because I care so much. Even my prosthetic arm says yes, this is it, does not say maybe, no, hold on, slow, next time, when, later, then.
I do it now, let myself go, just leap, do not look, or I will never know. I am not cautious, do not think twice or play it safe, I do not put on ice. I pray, nothing can go wrong, it could all become no mess, no waste of time. I try swimming the same deep water you are. It is hard. Yet nothing is impossible, to everything I mean only yes!
The shallow drowned lose less than we as the strangest twist is pulled upon my missing lips. The ripples clear bring us together, loved. Pushed around by desire in peace and quiet overture kissing me night night before I win to sleep.
Botswana, a peaceful, safe, and increasingly prosperous democratic republic, is located at the center of Southern Africa, positioned between South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Botswana is well known for having some of the best wilderness and wildlife management areas on the African continent. Visit it!
Get the Botswana DELUXE edition
FBI = Female Body Inspector. And there I thought that acronym was unsalvagable. If this writing gig fails, maybe I ought to seek out a new job in Nicaragua. I know we couldn't work out the book thing, but if I go broke I hope you can put in a good word with the head FBI agent. I'll be nice and won't inspect his "paperwork:" not without permission, that is. :D