Feb 28, 2023Liked by Libor Soural

Yes, sadly under Biden and the left, America has left it's original path.

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I think you are confusing America with the United States Federal Government. Common mistake made by outsiders.

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Some few have their heads on fairly securely, but not many are found that can juggle the remainder of what is left AFTER the veil is removed, and for some as-of-yet unknown reason (they'd pretend), most are still reeling and kneeling in a grossly exaggerated parody of living life, and while attempting the forced suicide of the few clear-eyed and clear-headed hearts that are still willing to Do The Dirty Work required of the situation.... that of staying On the Way to superior perches, higher up the Path, in order to see and relay More Clearly, with a harmless, yet undefeatable Grace of Gesture, the message that "the Heights of the Soul are as limitless as the Depths", and to relay the message's content as accurately and honestly as our gifts will allow us to muster the Courage to do so.

I appreciate your efforts to keep the light shining, all the way there at the Gates of Hell, no less, and lending a unique insight to these occult matters that we are now being presented with.

The ride of a LIFETIME!

Blessings of Strength to Persevere, Libor.


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