The tile work in that first image with reflective lamp hung in suspension is glorious and beautiful and the math in that is undeniable. The math, the colors, the pieces individual. Now, there were two aspects of it that seemed like they might also be "hanging down", but I don't think they were, but they might be 3-dimensional relatively speaking given the light they were projecting, but that might also just be an "optical illusion" and a light strategically placed.

That is why there is nothing like being there physically to differentiate the nuance that cannot really be understood in a 2-dimensional image.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day.

I'm listening to the Pogues presently - "Peace and Love" is the name of the album.


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And a Salaam Alaykum from me to you, just as they do next door in Indonesia.

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Salaam Alaykum!

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This is tremendous. I so want to go to Iran, but I doubt I ever will, so thanks for sharing these images.


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I always thought Flock of Seagulls "Iran so far away" was the better song to describe U$A policy towards the modern Persian state. Things are heating up so fast that Western (fake) financial markets are starting to melt--Down. Swiss Family Robinson appears to be stepping ever further into deep doo-doo...

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