You're writing great stuff, and it might take a moment, or two, for folks to catch up to you. Being ahead of one's time is almost a perfect epitaph--but of course I'm just joking and intend on being alive tomorrow. What is "Tomorrow?" Well, the Beatles, not my favorite band, had a groovy mid-60s song off their "Revolver" album called "Tomorrow Never Knows." Oh, those clever Beatles! Did Ringo come up with the jingle? For anyone who hasn't seen it, the 1969 or so movie "The Magic Christian" is worth a look-see; it says quite a lot about where we are all today...
You're writing great stuff, and it might take a moment, or two, for folks to catch up to you. Being ahead of one's time is almost a perfect epitaph--but of course I'm just joking and intend on being alive tomorrow. What is "Tomorrow?" Well, the Beatles, not my favorite band, had a groovy mid-60s song off their "Revolver" album called "Tomorrow Never Knows." Oh, those clever Beatles! Did Ringo come up with the jingle? For anyone who hasn't seen it, the 1969 or so movie "The Magic Christian" is worth a look-see; it says quite a lot about where we are all today...