Nice pictures.

The text seems a tad hostile, but if that is your "game" then sure.....

So, are you in Malaysia presently?

I'm pretty fond of Asian ladies - sometimes they are viscious.

And remember, you can always answer saying: "I don't answer questions"


* President of the Country Bumkins Association - ass slappers one and all....

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Mar 17, 2023
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So, you been all around the world.....I think that is a good thing especially if you took pictures of your travels. I've been all over the us of a, I mean truly within the 48 contiguous states, I've pretty much been to all of them and if I haven't gone to Wyoming, I know I flew over it many a time. I've met folks from coast to coast and I've lived on one coast and on the other......I lived in Cali-effing fornia, and I'm glad I don't live there anymore, but I did sell some property that paved the path in a way for me with the funds obtained.

I got a lot of attitude, but I'm a easy-going Country Bumkin. Treat me with respect, I'll do likewise. And vice-versa I'm sure.

I've been to Canada as well, many times, I lived in Lousianna for awhile just like I did in California. Basically though, I'm glad to be back home here in North Carolina and Virginia as well. I consider those places like home to me and my kin.

So, do you want in the Country Bumkin association or not because I don't think you understood the "badge" last time you made mention of it, but I could be wrong. Either way - do you want in or not?

Of course, that is a rhetorical question.....but if you choose to answer, then I hope you choose in the affirmative - if not, no harm done, and silence I reckon, will be deemed what.....a choice not to choose, and I respect that, but I will consider it the opposite of affirmative.


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"I take to the bow and arrow as naturally as the Centaur constellation who is eternally hunting in the heavens." From the sound of it, I can see that you do! I hope you didn't break Iceland's heart too bad before you ran off for Malaysia. (or is it vice versa?) Sometimes they are just sad, but if they're out for revenge for dumping them that's a whole different story!

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I think I'm gonna pass on subscribing here, but I keep checking it out maybe.

There ain't nothing perplexing about Justified Retribution.


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I might change my mind - that is anybody's prerogative is it not?

I hope you know I appreciate the images you share, the hostile talk though, not so much, but tis your place to say what you feel and I respect that.

See you around.


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