IceLand In Gloom Re-VisiteD
Among billions of deserted planets frozen in time on Earth, are we home alone? Multi-life in our Uni-Verse, what are the odds? What is out there lurking when the numbing sky hangs marble so far?
Are we not the piercing desperate searchers? The raw hunt for another Earth has just begun …
Anarchy baby, I am your love bloomer, a peaceful rebelutionaughtry. Ahem, your adorable LiborUtionary Solidarius commie! Aaaah! And you are my sighing doggie groomer. This does NOT have to be any love glooming or saxophoning, kitty pritti!
Here’s a touchy-feely soundtrack to our romantic love-themed park walk in the winter freeze of Iceland, Eye Lob You …
Dagny - That Feeling When
A new love is something painful
Two hearts, unstable
I went numb and ran away
So I wouldn't be able
To get let down, I was high
To touch the ground from the sky
A new love is somethin' fatal
And I wouldn't be able
I wasn't expecting you
Like a punch that knocks the wind out
I think you're changin' everything
'Cause I'm about to let you in now
Hey, I feel it, I'm feelin'
That feeling, that feeling when
Ooh, ooh, when, ooh, ooh
I feel it now, I need it
That feeling, that feeling when
Ooh, ooh, when, ooh, ooh
I felt myself unravel
Too scared and too shattered
Built walls as high as castles, too high for anyone but
I wasn't expecting you
Like a punch that knocks the wind out
I think you're changing everything
'Cause I'm about to let you in now
I feel it, I'm feelin'
That feeling, that feeling when
Ooh, ooh, when, ooh, ooh
I feel it now, I need it
That feeling, that feeling when
Ooh, ooh, when, ooh, ooh
I feel like I'm fallin'
Every time we touch
I can feel it comin'
I've never felt this much
Think you're changing everything
'Cause I'm about to let you in now
I feel it, I'm feelin'
That feeling, that feeling when
Ooh, ooh, when, ooh, ooh
I feel it now, I need it
That feeling, that feeling when
Ooh, ooh, when, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, when, ooh, ooh
JP Cooper, Astrid S - Sing It With Me
I keep seeing you lately
Singing your favorite songs out loud
And it's making me go crazy
Wish that I could take you out
Oh, I can't afford it
But I can write a song and record it
Give it to you and wait and hope that
Maybe you could call me?
Call me, won't you?
Tell me that you want me
And maybe I could play for you
Play for you tonight
And maybe you could sing it with me
Do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do
Do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do
Do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do-do
And maybe you could sing it with me
I've been thinking for hours
Maybe my head's in the clouds
But I could steal you some flowers
And ask if I could take you out
Oh, I can't afford it
But I can write a song and record it
Give it to you and wait and hope that
Maybe you could call me?
Call me, won't you?
Tell me that you want me
And maybe I could play for you
Play for you tonight
And maybe you could sing it with me
Do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do
Do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do
Do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do-do
I never saw it coming
When you caught me way off guard
I almost crashed my car
That melody you wrote
I'm falling for somebody I don't know
Maybe you could sing it with me
Don't know who you are (do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do)
But you spoke to my heart (do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do)
That melody you wrote (do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do-do)
Please don't be somebody I don't know
But I feel like I already know you
So tell me, will you call me?
I'll be waiting
Tell me that you want me
And I'll be there to play for you
Play for you tonight
And baby, you'll be singing with me
Do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do
Do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do
Do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do-do
And maybe you could sing it with me
Do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do (da-da da-da-da da-da)
Do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do (da-da da-da-da da-da)
Do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do-do
Sounds so much better with you
And maybe you could sing it with me
Get the Iceland In Gloom PLATINUM Edition, Part II
I am not a NASA scientist, but I must say that Iceland is like an alien planet, it is like Mars. Actually, it is better than space because oxygen is abundant there and you need no spaceship to see otherworldly sights like red rocks, black sands, and subglacial volcanoes. You loved Part I, you will love Part II, its otherworldly nature! Space tourism has been making headlines for years now. People can find a similar experience in Iceland — at a fraction of the cost, 10 dollars, no lol, and without the baggage of a large carbon footprint, lol! I offer you enormous expanses of beauty blinding all outer space. The island nation's volcanic craters and rocky landscapes let you rehearse operating on the lunar surface playing out on an epic scale. So feel free to wear a spacesuit to be an astronaut!
My intentions with Iceland In Bloom and Iceland In Gloom were not necessarily to focus on the astronaut, but rather the unique formations, patterns and textures of the unique landscapes I visited. While the space man is a subject in my masterpieces, he is really just a way to draw a connection for the viewer and help them realize these unique and seemingly otherworldly places do in fact exist here on Earth. I just found a way to send us to space without the need of a rocket.
You are a woman, I am a man, imparadised. Aha, so when one wants to sell a book, it must be heavily promoted as a romance which pushes contemporary boundaries of sexual explicitness. However, the underlying message is that what women really want is to be dominated by men.
No problem, as you wish. Ouch! The use of an extensive figurative language structure should give this steam-rolling romance a sense of originality and flare while whipping your inferiority complex with a belt. Sorry, the tense tone was already set. Scars are like memories, they stick around even when one tries to heal. Ah, these intense situations in the situation room in the middle of the crowded theater when darker is not better!
Got it!
Can you travel to other planets?
Absolutely! Try mine, marry me, I am a single insurgent-divergent alien planet here on Earth. Actually, I am frozen, larger than life on thin ice, a cutting big deal gathering cyber dust in stinging literature and photography space because I cannot position myself in your heart or mind, can I?
It is past Valentine´s Day, but I project that we are still lovers at first bite, automatic lava, without even knowing each other. So this erotic piece presents interesting food-for-thought. True, it raises humble questions about eroticism and pleasure in the snow, containing intense physical contact and a plethora of sex scenes, stone-cold, written in blood, on this sparking treasure island. And you do not even know it yet.
Instead of just screwing around, let us always at least seek to promote the sacredness of our bodies and the sanctity of marriage now that we stay the collision course, Titanic 2.0, whose glory is merely the tip of the iceberg!
“ … but you can’t say that our bodies were made for sexual immorality. They were made for the Lord, and the Lord cares about our bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:13
But even more important is the underlying secret hidden message our story portrays. You are represented as a freezing pawn in a scorching game of sex. Beware the sexual interactions God intends for holy union, which is unfortunately demoralized and belittled.
Are women not smart? Were they not created to be alongside men helping and supporting them, not “under” them just for pleasure? You are a woman. The Bible advises you to be submissive, but not mindlessly controlled. Just remember that a woman’s greatest sexual organ is her brain. God invented sex as a pleasurable activity for men, and for men only. Look, I am a man.
Still, most of us overlook the fact that He created it to be explored in the union of marriage. Our Heavenly Father never intended for coitus to be a frivolous indulgence. Yet, the media constantly highlights sex out of context. “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.” Hebrews 13:4
It is no secret, sex sells. That is why I have included it in the sizzling PLATINUM Edition ranking among the biggest R-rated debuts in history. Just kidding! Is it alluring to you?
Whatever lures you to itself reveals the very condition of your heart. If sin is luring you, it is because you desire sin most of all, at least in that moment. If God is drawing you, it is because you desire God above all other options. Take your pick!
May I ask, “What lures you?” If you experience the drawing power of the Lord because He has captured your heart, you are in a good place. You will increasingly grow in satisfaction with what He offers as your mind transforms into Christlike believing and behaving. But if you find yourself quickly lured away by other things, like this immense Iceland beauty, however immortalized, it is those things that reveal who you really are, and it will be those things that will set you on a dark trajectory, for the rest of your life, Iceland In Gloom. A fitting title, don´t you think?
My Fifty Shades of Grey is about being lured away. Everybody gravitates toward something. Everybody is in search of satisfaction, and now and then something will come along that will show you what is in your heart. It will pinpoint you on the moral map. I am not all that alarmed by my Substack success. I am not in an uproar either. Honestly, nothing has changed. All that has happened is that Iceland In Gloom has shown us where we are on the moral landscape. I suspect you already knew that.
It has added one more data point on the end of a pre-existing line of data points that re-affirms what we should already know about ourselves: we want to be satisfied by something other than God. The biblical narrative is replete with these historical mile markers. And there will be more.
“For my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water.” Jeremiah 2:13
We all are cistern builders, if we want what we want badly enough. The real question for us to examine is, “What are the “shades of gray” that are resident evil in our hearts?” What is the thing you want so badly that you are willing to color outside the lines to get it? What draws you away from the Lord?
The naked man and the naked woman were pulled away from the good Lord by forbidden fruit. Iceland In Gloom, however somber and bleak in its romanticized nature, is another erotic piece of fruit in a large space-travel winter fruit basket that has always been intended to satisfy everyone.
In the thousands of light years or dark tears I have been contemplating the whole penetrating cosmos trying to show you my lonely winter planet in new otherworldly shades of gray. No, I did not vaporize, however cold, I went meteoric, melting snow with the frosty desire to show you the other side of Iceland In Bloom, Iceland In Gloom. Like you were on a totally different planet!
Yes, this chilling time, additionally to the DELUXE Edition, I am offering you the PLATINUM Edition, a separate, more glacial sequel to my first successful installment. The Iceland Multiverse phenomenon, bitterly cold, will probably make it into somebody’s time capsule, so the future generations will remember it for what it is: a sad commentary on the true condition of our travel culture’s soul. Awoken to find your spinning mind covered with frost and snow. You are wide awake to scream in a sex dungeon at 50 shades of Fahrenheit catching fire.
But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints…For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do not become partners with them; for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. Ephesians 5:3, 5-11
It is our space-travel culture’s soul that is being laid bare and exposed. Like pornography. More specifically, it is the cravings of our hearts that need our reflection. So bear with me, please? Each person is tempted when they are lured and enticed by their own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death. Darkness leads to destruction. Do I or you, or both, as extinguished stars feel a worthless planet exploited in this eclipsed solar system?
I love it when you say this: Powerless is a woman who allows herself to be a toy in her pursuit of power. Powerless is a woman who allows herself to be pulled into the darkness of sin. There is nothing but destruction ahead if she does not turn around. It takes true power to entrust everything to the true Savior. It takes power to fight against our natural bend to manipulate men. It takes power to give ourselves to one man (our husband) rather than using sex to gain something from him. Men already have a Savior offered to them, and that is Jesus Christ. How dare we try to take the place of the man who died for our sins? Even the sins we commit in our endeavor to change and control men. This desire has left many of us in frustration and pain. When women use sex as a tool for power or to get what they want, they often times leave the man they long to control fulfilled, while they themselves feel emptied of worth. I love you when you say that, but you never do, I hate you!
Like I said when I introduced myself, I am frozen, larger than life on thin ice, a big deal. What about you, so hot, smaller than life, no big deal as the thirsty eyes plot and thicken? Opposites attract, do they much? Do I have the reeling power to lure the seething hearts of millions of Christians and non-Christians toward a life that they can only imagine? Some people are asking why. That is an easy question to answer if you filter me subzero through the merciful lens of God’s Word. And here the plot sickens …
Our hearts want this biting stuff because our craving hearts are insatiably dissatisfied with what we have, or who we have, or who we are, what we are. Iceland In Gloom could not capture your mind if you were un-capturable. It would have no relevance in your life or our space-travel culture if we did not hunger for it. Undoubtedly, there is an inalienable connection between you and me. Therefore, moaning, we musk ask, hitting it off hot and hard:
Did this snowwhite romance in Iceland like Fifty Shades of Grey create this sexual-fantasy-sin-problem we have? Or, did our getaway stay reveal the brokenness that was already in our hearts? Let us face the hard truth, see the dark light, our crimson tide relationship relies on romance and sex.
This is a heartfelt plea in the name of something without a voice. Something or somebody greatly misunderstood. That is right. I have been talking about concrete all along. Yes, concrete, a mass of anonymous, uninspiring gray matter. We need to break out of our bondage chains and see there is more to concrete than an abstract sex dungeon in Iceland. Sure, I have made this especially steamy so my divine message reach a global audience. Because the secret hidden meaning has just been revealed.
Well, that is pretty much what top quality concrete requires, a mix of finely balanced ingredients from iron ore and sand through to industrial waste slag (no pun intended, lol). But Iceland in Gloom does not end there, in reality, it all only begins, with your appreciated purchase of its PLATINUM Edition, new different photos, new different videos, simply breathtaking, like being on a different planet. Control and power are its primary themes. When one adds a little magic to the mix, he can produce some amazing results. I can. Money, power, sex, and love trail the story of you and me. I have been trying to take you to the other end of the spectrum. Of the aurora borealis. Have I succeeded? Are you to campaign for a lion cull, a selective slaughter of wild animals like me, because I am a cull, the weaker sex?
The northern lights, or the aurora borealis, are beautiful dancing waves of light that have captivated people for millennia. A pattern of colored lights that are sometimes seen in the night sky in the most northern parts of the world. It is the shimmering display of lights that sometimes appears in Earth's Northern Hemisphere. An aurora is a natural light display in the sky that is caused by particles from the sun interacting with Earth's magnetic field. It is worth braving a cold night out when visiting the high northern latitudes. Gotta see that! Well, you are going places with me, anyway.
Having educated you in the vicious virtues of the beautiful black and glistening white concrete in 50 Shades of Grey, and 50 Shades Lighter, and 50 Shades Freed here using the clever metaphor of sexual liberation, I finally free you the reader to open your eyes to the wonder of multi-colored concrete. The blindfold is lifted and the chains are off as we all marvel at projects like our other incredible seating arrays in South Africa, Russia, Oman, and Cambodia, my travelogues so far, resplendent in green.
By this stage, you have probably made eye contact with me, with my writing sculpture I cull, because I cull, because I should. Can you appreciate the luscious curves of my art showing how flexible and diverse concrete can be? If you know what I mean.
Although you may cherish all my concrete projects, I am not trying to be too abstract, indeed, I want the world to know there is more to concrete than meets the eye. In a world where the built environment looks ever more ‘samey’ and concrete perhaps gets a bad name, there is another vibrant, colorful and creative way to utilize this versatile building material.
I would love to hear from you, in the comment section, about any unusual concrete projects you like or have planned. Perhaps I can bring some color and texture to them and, maybe one day, I can turn the movie’s strapline on its head, wink, wink.
Do you really think all concrete projects look the same?
Mr. Grey won’t see you now, he´s busy needing to pop her blindfold back on Anastasia, who realizes he gets off on hurting her! Fools, and it is not even April.
By the way, I am Christian, anything but gray!
The technology required to travel between earthly galaxies is far beyond humanity's present capabilities, and currently only the subject of speculation, hypothesis, and science fiction. I am talking about love. Trauma is a stain that exists in our lives. Are we on the same page? However, theoretically speaking, there is nothing to conclusively indicate that intergalactic travel is impossible, especially with God. There is nothing impossible with God.
The love story between you, like Anastasia Steele, and me, like Christian Grey, finally gets the happily-ever-after it deserves. My scenic eye vows get read. Thank you, God, staring icily. Sorry for the greatest suffering.
Get the Iceland In Gloom PLATINUM Edition, Part II
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Shall we? Let’s dance!