Do you like mushrooms ? MEH 2 ! I dont no boat U, bra, butt, yo, I aint stay here, goin on a mashrum cloud, gettin away wiz my F art nuke. Sherluck Holmes, now !
So, if I do my meth correctly, I will make it, snatch a couple bucks, bye bye, A holes !
The Atom Demigods are a novelty of the future of a past of the present, though nothing new under the sun. Let the donations rain on me to wash away the nuclear waste/wasteland I have always been, tragically, sadly ! Will you save me ? !
In the Dark Ages, there was a settlement protected by hand-built stone walls of great strength and size. The settlers, practicing rather intellectual life in some strange way, used bows and arrows to defend themselves against attacks of wild mutant outsiders.
Out in the jungle, out amid the curiously twisted plants, where the multiple-limbed, ugly, sick, subhuman beast dwelt, the mutants were dangerously massing as if they were determined to sweep away the settlement at all costs, feeling sheer hatred toward anything similar to humanity which had caused their miserable condition. The settlers realized that their own lack of technology along with the surplus of philosophy posed a major threat to their settlement, but there was nothing they could really do but fear and only think again that a different, more powerful weapon technology would have been enough against some invasion to come. And there lay the real tragedy.
Guy was a one year old child, but his parents secretly thought of him as a devil with the mutant mind when looking into his deep dark eyes. Yet they did not have the heart to kill him. Tears ran down Guy's mother cheeks.
"Mom, don't cry for me, weep for yourselves because the settlement will fall. There's no way I can save you. I love all of you, I'm sorry. Look at me, I can hardly toddle. Please forgive me."
The parents, left dumbfounded, heard the man's voice inside their own minds. The "guilty" child was in telepathic communication with them no matter it sounded utterly ridiculous.
Later, the foretold, fatal attack against the settlement was over. Guy, the only spared child, could feel nothing but hopelessness when encircled by the hideous monsters with twisted minds and sad eyes, wondering hard what to do. He played happy, smiling at them. Finally, the mutants took the child to raise him in the weird jungle, thinking he would bring them good fortune.
Guy grew up amidst the mutant community and now was ready to escape. He was motivated by an intense curiosity to know more about the settlement, his parents, what had made their lives so miserable. It became vitally important to Guy to learn the whole truth. Instead of killing the caring monster parents that had sort of adopted him, Guy fooled them to get back to the settlement burial. Exploring the shrine revealed a great number of sacred, forbidden objects. Guy, with his supernormal mind, memorized all the sacred books within a few hours. Now his immense knowledge enabled him to go back in time, though one thing really scared him, leaving him so completely lost. It was some kind of electronic device - a computer with the Internet on.
Burdened with his philosophy nature, his primitive technology, all his life but one year living with the mutants in the jungle, Guy finally gave up on trying to find out who and what had destroyed the so called "humanity" and decided to return to his aging mutant family. THE ATOM DEMIGODS was only a legend anyway, he thought resolutely.
Suddenly, Guy's teleprobe caught a silent scream he had never heard. He was aware of mutants pursuing a human girl!? The thought itself was very spooky to Guy, this age, this place - something or even somebody human. He did not understand his deep, swallowing feelings.
Lucia was also a telepath. They fell in love at first sight, err, sorry, first bite, rated R, whoops, as the 20th century romantics termed that. Guy accepted Lucia's warm invitation into their city of dreams come true called Utopia, where everybody was equally important - the ultimate happiness community.
Guy as an absolutely new element brought in some trouble. The evil leader of Utopia in disguise learned about Guy's extraordinary abilities and wished to equal THE ATOM DEMIGODS, supposing Guy would help him reveal the secrets of the ultimate powers to fight the Universe as humanity had done because now he held Lucia as a hostage.
It was the man of light against the man of darkness, Guy's high intelligence against the low leader's cunning... And at the end of the Dark Ages comes the Renaissance because the sun breaks through the rainy clouds.… Right ?
The cold war reached a dead point...the satellites were filled with deadly, nuclear explosives...a meteorite struck a satellite...a chain instant detonation...a massive consequence after an old man was asked by a little boy pointing at the sky.
"Grandfather, tell me, what is that?" The relaxing reply sounded, "Well, this is the End!"

I am exhausted, not kidding. Ever since I got to Substack, I have hardly slept, pushing my defensive offensive, being in a rough spot in this WW3. I know, I also hate whining disadvantaged like a hot beach in frozen heat, $$$.
Jungle bound, happier, more hopeful than ever, I type, one-armed, amidst constant blackouts, with the slowest internet connection on Earth, on my sporadically working 15 year-old computer, only to be heard on Substack, big deal. This may be not a sorry scene, after all.
If you find me worthy of your money, please support your favorite Tarzan on my page ! I cannot get paid on Substack because Stripe is not available in Nicaragua, at the real end of the world. I will appreciate any contribution to my struggle for survival. Thank you for reading, getting this far …
End Note I: "The prospects for the use of nuclear weapons, L.S., is far lower than the fear that is promoted by Mainstream Media and other sources, on their sometime imminent use. This has launched a genre of visual commentary such as this from the American artist Ron Cobb who settled in Australia . . . ".
middle of the night. as you say above, the end . . . but not