Nutzie, U Crane Z SOB POW X Planed !
I heard a fellow inmate in my psychiatric ward exclaim, with some Jewish Holocaust authority, yelling in riddles. So, overqualified, I will try to translate the madman´s babble into plain English.
Emotional, I am reporting from my luxurious Pentagonal Pentagram-666 star hotel in Guantanamo or Gitmo, derived from gymnastics, while catching a dog´s life breath during my routine sexercise, I mean waterboarding class, gurgle, gurgle. Do not dare hold your breath or freak out while I am undergoing this enlightening flooding therapy, an invasive treatment for humor drought, giving you the creeps ! Instead, join with me to try to understand what was already said about the notorious Project Ukraine, a prosperous modern state that has practically ceased to exist, with its decimated economy on lifesupport, its big nation dying, splintered all over the world like a sure future plague. Help me reach that AHA moment, for the sake of clarity $$$, Mr Green ! Oky Woky, Woky Broky ?
Now, back to my bra, circling back on him. When he says Nutzie, he means Nazi, that odious irrational nationalistic love-hate ideology only nuts profess. As a kid, I was taught “a good Nazi is a dead Nazi, period !”, so now, as an adult, Covidiot 49, I really do not know what more to add. Jaws crack.
Now, back to my bra´s U Crane, circling back on his junk. He loves word salads, giggles, nothing generic, purely organic food for thought or question marks, which Ukraine was famous for, how his farts sound rather than smell. So U Crane stood, now almost fallen, for Ukraine. No shit ! Balls drop.
Now, back to my bra, circling back on his Z, the victory letter. Z was banned after the Russian start of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine, whose main objectives were stated very clearly by Putin: demilitarize and denazify. So we can leave the letter Z out, except when used with the word Crane, meaning Crazy. Overall, Nazi, Ukraine, and Crazy go together, they make perfect sense, dig it, right ? Otherwise, Z means Zapad, West, lol ? Scrambled eggs. Z that ?
Now, back to my bra, circling back on that son-of-a-bitch, whoops, sorry for belittling or underestimating SOB, capital letter, but you get it, what he meant when really pissed off, you know us Jews, very dangerous. So Austin Powers, with his mojo, baby, o behave !
Now, back to my bra, circling back on his “POW”. Normally, POW shoots for Prisoner Of War, but since POWs get shot, a legitimate war crime, he certainly meant the nobility title POS, Piece Of Saffire ! Saffire as a girl's name is a variant of Sapphire and is of Hebrew origin. Or else. Hmmm, did he mean Piece Of Shit ? But that would not be poetic. Anyway …. DEMONCRACY NOW !
Now, back to my bra, circling back on his X files released on Titter, I beg your pardon ? Twitter ! No, his naked obssession will not be tolerated, CENSORED, BANNED, PERMANENTLY SUSPENDED, because there are children here, we are children, of God, at least ! Fookin´ told ya, bra, bu ya wouldn´t listen, wtf bra ? !!! Ok, as a consolation prize, click on the P for further details ! Eyes roll. I meant Putin, ya perv !
Now, back to my bra, circling back on “PLANED”. Perhaps he was referring to that funny sugar substance or its flying BS effects. He surely did not mean the coked up Goat of Kiev in high heels. Now that I think about it, merging X with PLANED, EXPLAINED emerges. Wow, bingo, bango ! We are having a blast, an epiphany !
NAZI, U KRAZY SOB POS EXPLAINED ! Gotcha, bra, dig it now 110% ! Jews turned on Jesus, on their King ! Look up to us, do not look down on us, we are the most privileged anyway, no matter the circumstance ! Holocaust never again ! Shit, it is hapenning as I mourn and moan, again !
So now that I have olympically decoded my poor fellow Jew´s diatribe, straitjacket is our folklore dress, business or hazmat suit, our uniform, without having to FUCKING circle back on anything else, I can lavishly proceed with my glorious confession under spectrumful duress, telling nothing but the truth, I swear, just repeating what I learned in the Lame Steam Media (MSM), where else when one is underground in the Underworld with the Overlord ?
I can do it, why not ? Because I was completely demilitarized and derussified, pacified, like I were Pablo Escobar´s grandson pimping guerrilla warfare and dealing drugs big time. I was a real nobody, in the middle of nowhere, minding my own business, writing shit without selling it, I did not bother or threaten anybody. I only owned a good old Dragunov, a rusty AK 47, two Makarovs, a Glock, a couple machetes, and one real gem, a Swiss pocket knife I traded for twenty bananas, what a once-in-a-lifetime bargain, come on, man ! Sigh …. ONE COLOSSAL GRIFT !
Passionate, I am Pandora, a criss-cross civilization-jungle mutant, and the confession box is kicked hard. They want to break me, they want to kill me. Nothing new under the sun, though. I swear I will be precise and concise, tell the truth in one breath, my last. No, torture is not my thing, NAZI, U KRAZY SOB POS EXPLAINED !
Russia took every conceivable step to avoid war, but was left with no choice. Ukraine made a number of fatal mistakes and got a war. - brought to power the nationalists / Nazis as a result of the coup d'état in 2014 with the support of the United States. The cost was announced by Victoria Nuland - "We invested $ 5 billion in the revolution on the Maidan." John McCain on the same stage with the Ukrainian Nazis in front of the crowd in Kyiv 2014 and so on. The attitude of Russians towards the Nazis is special. It is not the same as in the USA or in Europe. 27 million dead Soviet citizens (of which only 8 million were military losses). Each family lost many relatives, each Russian family. Russians have a genetic hatred for Nazism. The US made a big mistake by betting on the cultivation of Nazism heavily mixed with Ukrainian nationalism in Ukraine as a cheap way to fight Russia. They are useful idiots (such is their ideological motivation, they are ready to fight Russia for free.). But it was a guaranteed way to drag Russia into a military conflict. Why not? - thought in the United States and the tangible development of Nazism in Ukraine began rapidly 25 years ago, first painted as patriotism, after 27 years it grew into a violent Ukrainization of everyone. Although 2014 is the climax. The transformation of Ukraine into a Nazi state began back in 1991 after leaving the USSR along the chain - patriotism smoothly flowing into nationalism and then mixed with the ideology of Ukrainians in Western Ukraine on the ideas of Ukrainian nationalists Dontsov and Bandera - as a result, we get Ukrainian Nazism with the veneration of Hitler and his Ukrainian henchmen. The Ukrainian authorities named many streets after them and declared them heroes of Ukraine. - prohibition of the Russian language (38% of the population consider it their native language, and 65% of Ukrainians speak it in everyday life) - Forced Ukrainization of the inhabitants. The inhabitants of Ukraine are not homogeneous, and political elections over the past 30 years show that exactly half of Ukrainians gravitate towards Russia. As a result of the coup d'etat, people came to power with the ideology of Western Ukraine, which for 700 years was under the yoke of Poland and was brought up by the Poles in a fierce hatred of everything Russian. - Ukraine, when leaving the USSR in 1991, did not return Russian highly industrial lands to Russia, which it used while being part of the USSR. This is a huge area. Before joining the USSR in 1922, Ukraine was three small, impoverished, exclusively agrarian regions. These three regions make up only 1/3 of modern Ukraine, the rest 2/3 is the land of the Russian empire. With what she came to the USSR, she must leave with that. But the Russians looked at it loyally (historically a single people, and all that, the strongest kindred mixture of people over the centuries of living together in a single country, and so on) until a threat to Russia began to emanate from this territory. - The transformation of Ukraine into a kind of Anti-Russia, as the meaning of the existence of Ukraine as a result of the active cooperation of the Ukrainian elites with Western military circles. Hence the next point. - the actual development of the Ukrainian territory by NATO forces without the formal entry of Ukraine into NATO. Here, let me give you a little historical background: Ukraine left the USSR in 1991. And already on March 10, 1992, Ukraine joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council. Already in 1994, she was the first to join the Partnership for Peace program, which made it possible for NATO servicemen to participate in regular joint exercises on the territory of Ukraine since 1995. The military will not let me lie - what do any exercises mean? This is preparation for war. And with whom can NATO fight? For some people who began to delve into the situation a month ago, many things are not clear, but those who have followed politics for the past 40 years are well aware of where the origins come from. This is the Ukrainian party elite of the 80s and the connivance of Yeltsin (a very mediocre and short-sighted politician) to the nationalism of Western Ukraine. Russia would be quite satisfied with a neutral Ukraine (don’t even need to be loyal, just neutral). Russia economically powerfully supported the Ukrainian economy with energy benefits and direct gifts in the amount of 470 billion non-refundable dollars for all these 30 years. Naively believing that the economy is the best guarantee of friendly relations. - The beginning of the creation of their own nuclear weapons under President Poroshenko. President Zelensky at the Munich Security Conference in February 2022 confirmed this intention to revise Ukraine's nuclear-free status. He was applauded by all the representatives of the collective West, and at the same moment, the ultimate goal and the role of Ukraine in it became clear to Russia. - A huge number of secret bio-laboratories of the Pentagon (26) on the territory of Ukraine to create bio-weapons of selective action in relation to the Slavic race. It's right at the Russian borders. - 8 years of shelling by Ukrainian troops of territories that did not recognize the Nazi coup d'état in 2014 with numerous casualties among civilians (14,000 people died). Shelling was carried out mainly on non-military infrastructure facilities and villages in the hope of making life there unbearable and encouraging the local population to leave this territory. Their argument (words from a video from a Ukrainian soldier in a trench) is that there are no pro-Ukrainian residents there, pro-Ukrainian people have already left for Ukraine, they are separatists, you can kill. All these steps, fatal for Ukraine, were made under the influence of Western countries and led to war. Russia made all diplomatic overtures to prevent such a development of events. Minsk agreements (These are concrete steps to resolve the conflict within Ukraine between the new UN resolution of February 17, 2015 No. S / RES / 2202 (2015) - adopted for mandatory execution)- ignored by Ukraine. In December 2021, Russia sent Requests to NATO and the USA to ensure security for Russia - refusal from NATO and refusal from the USA. The question is closed. Russia acted not just logically, but super logically - it began the process of denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine in order to stop all threats. I think the United States would not even bother to do so in such a situation and carried out such a thing even if there was a hint of a threat. I draw this conclusion on the basis of all the pretexts for starting all military operations on the part of the United States over the past 60 years (and if you dig deeper, you can unearth more than one case of far-fetched US military intervention in military conflicts around the world). Everyone remembers about 836 (!!!!!) US military bases around the world? 836, Carl!!!!! And already in mid-April 2022, in his interview with the BBC, Zelensky said that the country had begun preparing for a clash with Russia since December 2021. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky revealed his (?) plans. According to him, Kyiv was preparing for clashes with Russia long before Moscow announced the start of a special operation. Judging by the state of the Ukrainian army and Zelensky’s lack of independence, plans to start a war with Russia came from abroad. "We started this war even earlier," the head of the Ukrainian state said, referring to the beginning of the special operation of the Russian Federation. Thus, he indirectly admits his guilt in inciting the conflict with Russia. Zelensky called pumping Ukraine with Western weapons part of the preparations for the upcoming conflict. At the same time, in addition to public agreements with the United States and NATO, Kyiv also conducted closed negotiations with them regarding military assistance. "We non-publicly agreed on certain supplies," the President of Ukraine admits in the same interview. This interview of the President of Ukraine, given by the BBC, interested Russian investigators. Zelensky inadvertently blabbed about what he should have kept quiet about. The head of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin instructed to check the words of Zelensky. He believes that the statements of the Ukrainian leader may fall under the article on planning and preparing an aggressive war. Thus, we can conclude that Zelesky's curators are striving to create such conditions in Ukraine that are guaranteed to draw Russia into a military conflict. And the brother will begin to kill the brother (historically, this is one people). This is ideal in the eyes of the United States. With his statement, he only confirmed what Russian politicians and experts have always said: NATO was preparing Ukraine for war with Russia. That is, in fact, Zelensky framed his curators. Further more interesting. In April 2022, the US Congress approved the supply of weapons to Ukraine through Lend Lease, but this proposal was submitted for consideration (attention here!) January 19, 2022 - almost a month before the start of Russia's special military operation. After all, then no one could predict the development of events. That is, the West was very interested in drawing Russia into the conflict, and he was preparing for this. Everything had already been calculated and the West was sure that Russia would intervene in response to military operations against the Donbass. Ukraine had to start. But Russia preempted it by only a few days (judging from the documents that Russia got from the Ukrainian headquarters). Thus, many lives of civilians were saved.
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You should join with Dan Curtis. You could author some amazing spy stories based upon very recent history. You’ve got a good running start here. (Best seller time!).
On Point! Agreed! ☮️