Hip hop died, it's full of guys who cannot even rap (facts)
Media dividing us by colors, white or black (facts)
If you believe in Jesus, these days Christians get attacked (facts)
If you don't hate police then everybody thinks you're wack
And everything's so connected
Black Lives Matter got so aggressive
White folks who agree can't support the message
Both sides go to war 'cause they don't respect it
Our social climate from the global tension
Turned to total violence and a whole depression
We could unify and then all go against them
But we let 'em divide us with votes and elections
The things that we want are promoted subliminally through the songs like
You need a fast car, you need designer clothes, you need a rap star
To tell you to start popping pills, hit the blunt and go live at the club 'til you're broke
It's all controlled by the elites, put fake news all over our screens
Convincing the right to go fight with the left and distract from the fact it's each other we need, uh
Divided by race and religion, segregated into teams, uh
You're a white supremacist, if you're not, I guess you Antifa
Screaming from the rooftops, beatdown, battered
Turned us on each other, now no lives matter
If we do what the news wants, blood gon' splatter
Turn us on each other 'til no lives matter
Freedom's dead, if you have an opinion, take it back (facts)
People hate the president, if you don't then you trash (facts)
Indoctrinate the nation using news and mainstream rap (facts)
The government abuses us, it's all part of the plan (facts)
And it's so confusing
Black Lives Matter is a valuable movement
But All Lives Matter ain't racist or stupid
It's non-black humans who don't feel included
All colors fall under laws that govern
The whole country and we all suffer
We're all broke and nobody recovers
Until we accept that we're all brothers
We watch the news and it fills up our brains with violence, and riots, and race, like
This is a race war, you need to hate more, get what you came for
You need some songs about Xanax and violence so you can escape more
What a vicious cycle we can't break away from, they control the culture, they control the paper
They're indoctrinating a whole generation 'til the patriots start to hate the nation
The music we love make us dumb and addicted
The news that we watch is brainwashing the children
The viruses, riots, and racist conditions
Ain't problems, they're symptoms of life in this system
Screaming from the rooftops, beatdown, battered
Turned us on each other, now no lives matter
If we do what the news wants, blood gon' splatter
Turn us on each other 'til no lives matter
The music will make you dumb, the media makes you hate
And they control 'em both, there ain't no escape
They put the world in a state of chaos, economy crashing and massive layoffs
Black against white or it's left versus right, divide and conquer and control is the payoff
Screaming from the rooftops, beatdown, battered
Turned us on each other, now no lives matter
If we do what the news wants, blood gon' splatter
Turn us on each other 'til no lives matter
Oops! What? Sorry! I just killed RACISM. WAT DA PROBLUM IZ? DA HELL DA HORRORZ DA HOVEN!!! WHITE LIVES MATTERED, BLACK LIVES MATTERED, NO LIVES MATTER!!! Okay, it was not me who killed RACISM, it was McDonald´s, and their healthy & fat-friendly & nutrivicious & lethal food, cruck, baby, you cook me good, I love your oven! Don´be Tomcat! Be my Pussycat! How I Doggie love your voice and grimace and pee! You torch me, you torture me, I love it, I love you, you are my sweetest apocalypse! I am your delighted and delightful Apocalypse Knight and the Fake Life Rapture! WAT DA HELL BRO OR BRA!? Whoops, that´s my popular book from my 1994 Restricted Entertainment series, LOL, where I even deny being Jewish being obviously a Jew, ROFL! So either buy me or bye me! Like my APOLITICAL SONG? LMFAO!
Get The Apocalypse Knight & The Fake Life Rapture
Should I make a revision of “Black Lives Matter”, a dead popular phrase which itself is referenced numerous times in my song? Black Lives Matter is an ideology but more importantly a social movement, one which really came to the American forefront during 2020. And basically, Tomcat SmacDonald´s criticizing this initiative for being racist. In other smack words, when White people sympathize with Blacks who´ve taken up this cause, they have a tendency to be rejected.
However, I the rapper don’t attribute this reality to racism per se as much as I do a mob mentality which has swept over the Promised Land. That´s to say that concerning the issues of today, if individuals don’t react to them in a prescribed way, they are instantly ostracized. And along that same vein, people being stereotypically categorized has become the norm. To illustrate this point, I also mention how people are considered “trash” if they don’t “hate the President”. And the “President” in question is apparently President Trump.
And ultimately, I dare recognize this low tolerance level as being the result of the masses being controlled by “the elites”, err, da real trash. Indeed these same powerful individuals don’t really care for the people. And this is why for instance they saturate popular music with destructive messages. And ultimately, that´s the idea that I´m alluding to with the title of this song. While laymen quarrel over petty issues, at the end of the day, their leaders could care less about their lives.
It’s Tomcat SmacDonald, not the burger franchise … for McDonald´s sake!
“No Lives Matter” is a powerful and brilliantly written song, leveling a scathing indictment on how mainstream music and the media warp perceptions and stereotypes to pit American against American. The toxicity of American politics has broken up lifelong friendships and once loving families. “No Lives Matter” ferrets out the nonsense and asks Americans to wake up! Oh yeah, I´m showing and hyping political conflict! SOME SLUMBER´S JUST NOT GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH, MRICKA! WAKE THE DUCK UP!!!
I the rapper´s gotta rapeat. I explore the divisive nature of society, particularly in relation to issues such as race, religion, politics, and media manipulation. My smack lyrics address various topics, highlighting the ways in which people are being pitted against each other and how personal beliefs and opinions can lead to hostility and isolation.
In the first verse, my half criticizes the media for perpetuating division based on race and religion. It also mentions the hostility Christians face for their beliefs and how supporting law enforcement is seen as unpopular. I suggest that the global tension and violence have led to a state of depression and disunity.
The chorus emphasizes the consequences of this division, with the idea that when people turn against each other, no lives matter. I dare highlight the media's influence in creating conflict and using violence to manipulate the public.
In the second verse, the other half expands on its critique of the media and government. I argue that while movements like Black Lives Matter have importance, the concept of All Lives Matter should not be seen as racist or dismissive. I suggest that non-black individuals also deserve inclusion and that all citizens are subject to the same laws. I dare point out that everyone is suffering under a broken system and calls for unity.
The bridge, encompassing the whole Tomcat SmacDonald asshole, emphasizes the control that the media and music industry have over society, how they shape people's thoughts and opinions, causing division for their own gain. I portray the chaos, economic struggles, and polarization as deliberate tactics to keep the population divided and easily manipulated.
Overall, "No Lives Matter" serves as a critique of the media, government, and societal divisions. My respect-and-love-thy-neighbor song encourages listeners to recognize these manipulations and transcend the divisions, advocating for unity and acceptance of all individuals, including me in 1994.
Get The Apocalypse Knight & The Fake Life Rapture
KO-FI: SOME CAFFEINE DOES NO HARM https://ko-fi.com/liborsoural
BE MY PAL ON PAYPAL: liborsoural@protonmail.com