A shoothole is called Madagascar, it is named after Mr Bean´s broken car and my horror at finding it without Mr Bean! I am from Mrickah (America) and this is Frickah (Africa). MAGA GAS CAR!
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Two months ago I received an urgent letter and a parcel from stuttering actor Row Atkinson, aka Mr Bean, soliciting my help. A friend indeed is a friend in need. Normally, he sends me censored love letters, copied and pasted from Playboy, and teddy bears, but when I saw rollerblades I knew there was something slightly off. Although I followed his dumb instruction manual, I put them on while still in my scuba diving gear from South Africa, I could not figure out how to get from point M (Managua) to point M (Madagascar) on his drawn globe map he included for me to decipher. He asked me to use them rollerblades as a means of transport between Nicaragua, Central Mrickah (America) and Madagascar, an island in the Indian Ocean, off the South East coast of Frickah (Africa).
Everybody knows Row is a frickin´genius, like a hundered points more than my 200, he knew what he was doing, so I suspected there was something bloody wrong with the royally screwed rollerblades, some sort of sabotage or conspiracy, because they did not move, they were not self-propelled. So as a smart cookie cutter I instantly gave up, gathered my little entourage, including my depress secretary, a few hookers, and my beloved bodyguard, and flew my chopper there following meticulously Row´s SOS signs strewn like cadavers all along the way. He always does that when we play survival and hunger games. I prayed, hoping the emergency must have already passed somehow because the snail-mail from some United Jackar$$e the Ripper Kingdom to my Banana Republic took two months, plus I hesitated two more months, just to be on the safe side, making sure I would find my friend in need still alive. I failed to refrain from a leap of faith, I jumped off the chopper before landing, straight into the jaws of extreme poverty, finally rushing, after four months, to my multi-millionaire friend´s aid. I was truly sorry for having underrated the word EMERGENCY. Frankly, I thought Mr Bean was just pulling my robotic leg in the hardcore wilderness.
But what I discovered upon my arrival was beyond any words, literally nothing was left of Row. I was shocked, devastated, out of my mind, I started to cry. Such a melodrama. Mr Bean was gone. Only his bloody English car was there, parked, broken down, so solemn, nothing else. I just remembered a moving scene from his Mr Bean series where a powerful tank rolled over his helpless car and how I had always wanted to prevent such a normal traffic accident, holding my breath, crossing my fingers and toes, wishing such a glorious fate on my worst enemy. All in vain! All I managed to shout out of my Covidiot lungs was MAGA GAS CAR!!! I felt like I could not BUILD BACK BETTER Row, Mr Bean, and sobbed endlessly.
I had promised him I would take care of his bloody English car if anything tragic ever happened to him. I was full of remorse and regret, those two months of hesitating whether or not to help my best buddy, plus the two months of snail-mail. I was guilty as hell. There was nobody else to blame. And there is a caveat. Inside the car there were dozens of Playboy issues and teddy bears, which I am still selling and auctioning on Ebay. I came to realize he had really loved me, and I was a dude, a friend in need, a friend indeed! Or that British humour!
Well, now I know why such a shoothole is called Madagascar, it is named after Mr Bean´s broken car and my horror at finding it without Mr Bean! They were inseparable, inseparable like Siamese twins or women´s legs. That bloody English car was classic. When I stepped on the gas, it would not move. Just like the rollerblades. That was odd. Something was slightly off. Something was wrong, I guessed, I thought. I knew I would never think again. Maybe it just needed some gas, and a driver? What a dumbass, my friend, Mr Bean! This time I did feel like a frickin´ genius.
I am sure my incredible, expensive journey to this cheap shoothole has Made America Great Again, tragi-comically pitted against Mr Bean´s broken car Build Back Better! I must admit there is a little mispronunciation there: MAGA GAS CAR
The island's name, Madagascar, is of uncertain origin but historical documents suggest that the Venetian merchant Marco Polo, who did not even visit Madagascar, confused the island with the kingdom of Mogadishu in Somali, East Africa (located slightly north of the Equator), and named it based on mispronunciation.
The nostalgic engine will not start, never again with Mr Bean, never again without Mr Bean.
Madagascar is best known for its lemurs (primitive relatives of monkeys, apes, and humans), colorful chameleons, stunning orchids, and towering baobab trees. Madagascar, home to some of the world's most unique flora and fauna, the planet's oldest island, was formed when it broke away from the Indian continental plate. Madagascar is the 4th largest island on Earth. It produces the largest vanilla harvest in the world, while coffee, sugarcane, and rice are also key agricultural products. With insufficient domestic demand, Madagascar's economy is dependent on the exportation of their agricultural products
It is one of the “megadiverse” countries in the world.
Madagascar is the world's biggest producer of high-quality sapphires.
Its native banana is helping save other banana varieties from extinction.
Madagascar is a melting pot of delicious food.
With breathtaking views of nature, white sand beaches, stunning rainforest and delicious local food, this spot offers an unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime experience.
This time they were not lying … I can confirm all of the above about Madagascar!
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beautiful article and pictures. the Baobab trees are very impressive!
we once visited Mauritius (the much smaller island just south of Mada gas car). not by choice, mind you, but we were on a ship that wasn't allowed through the Suez canal and as a result had to go around Africa to get where it was scheduled to go (Indonesia). In doing so we traversed the equator 3 times, but every time failed to see the red line always drawn in atlases. my first inkling of the world not being what they want us to think it is.
Read you on LFAA, haven't seen your other stuff, hesitated because I'm old and a peace seeker and like a smoother delivery, but when you calm down, you are easier to read. Being a Sagittarius is no excuse for thrashing around in foreign waters. You'll scare the fish away, so try gliding like a sting ray and see what happens.😉